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Ari Gold

24 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Musique

Ari Gold est un juif-américain, i
l est le premier chanteur R & B  à se déclarer gay dès le début de sa carrière.

Ce New-Yorkais assume avec fierté son statut d'artiste gay. En 2005 il déclarait : « Les gays ont toujours fantasmé sur des artistes hétéros. Mais ce n’est quand même pas terrible pour l’image qu’on a de nous-mêmes. C’est quand même mieux de se sentir allumé par d’autres mecs gays. Même si ce n’est qu’un fantasme, au moins on peut se dire qu’il pourrait nous apprécier en retour (...) Il y a des millions de gays qui aiment la musique et qui achètent des disques. Et ils n’achètent pas que de la house ! Ils aiment la pop, le R’n’B ou le rock. A mon avis, les maisons de disques n’ont pas encore saisi l’importance de ce marché (...) Ca serait bien nouveau ça, qu’un artiste hétéro se fasse passer pour un homo pour toucher le public gay. Ca n’est pas encore arrivé. Et ce n’est pas mon cas... »

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Making of DOM # 3 : Rodrigo Hilbert

24 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Beautiful Man - Models

Retrouvez le making of de la couverture de l'édition du mois d'avril DOM, avec un Rodrigo Hilbert (et son incroyable regard de loup) .

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Sherisse Laurence - L'amour De Ma Vie - ESC 1986

24 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Eurovision


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Les autorités chinoises poursuivent la répression des militants tibétains

24 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Actualité

ermées aux étrangers depuis le début des troubles, en mars, la Région autonome du Tibet, ainsi que les aires tibétaines rattachées aux provinces voisines continuent apparemment d'être le théâtre de manifestations sporadiques et d'une répression policière récurrente. Le Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), organisation basée à Dharamsala (Inde), tient le compte, jour après jour, du nombre de protestations ou d'arrestations, sur la foi de témoignages locaux.

Selon le TCHRD, 55 nonnes bouddhistes du monastère de Pang na tashi gephelling, situé dans la préfecture autonome de Ganzi (province du Sichuan) ont été arrêtées le 14 mai. Elles protestaient contre les campagnes de "rééducation patriotique" durant lesquelles moines et nonnes doivent rituellement dénoncer le dalaï-lama et abjurer leur foi dans le chef spirituel tibétain.

Le Monde a obtenu, à Pékin, une confirmation indépendante, crédibilisant ainsi la valeur de cette information : un Tibétain originaire de Ganzi (Kardze, en tibétain) nous a indiqué avoir reçu par téléphone un témoignage de l'un de ses parents lui racontant qu'"une cinquantaine de nonnes ont été arrêtées, le 14 mai, dans la ville de Su-ngo". Selon TCHRD, les nonnes ont organisé une marche de protestation après avoir tenu une réunion lors de laquelle elles ont proclamé : "Il vaut mieux mourir que de dénoncer, critiquer et attaquer le dalaï-lama. Si les Chinois veulent nous tuer, qu'ils nous tuent, nous ne regrettons rien."

Toujours selon des témoins de ces événements, les nonnes se sont rendues en procession vers le siège du gouvernement local en scandant "Vive le Tibet indépendant ! Longue vie au dalaï-lama !". Elles ont été arrêtées peu après par les forces de sécurité.

Depuis le 15 mai, les autorités ont restreint les libertés de mouvement dans ce district situé à 300 km à l'est de l'épicentre du séisme qui a frappé le Sichuan le 12 mai. Selon notre informateur tibétain, la zone n'aurait pas été touchée par la secousse.

Le dalaï-lama, qui est arrivé, mardi 20 mai, à Londres où il devait s'entretenir, vendredi, avec le premier ministre britannique, Gordon Brown, a semblé pour sa part adopter une attitude conciliante à l'égard de la Chine. Il a demandé aux Tibétains de "ne pas troubler" le passage de la flamme olympique au Tibet. "Nous devons (la) respecter", a-t-il dit, avant d'évoquer son éventuelle venue à Pékin pour les Jeux olympiques si la prochaine réunion entre ses émissaires et des responsables chinois se passe bien. "Cela dépendra beaucoup de cette rencontre. Sisur une sorte de solution à long terme (pour le Tibet), alors je serai enchanté de me rendre (à Pékin), si on m'invite", a-t-il déclaré. Quelques jours plus tôt, le gouvernement en exil du dalaï-lama avait demandé aux Tibétains de cesser provisoirement leurs manifestations au Tibet contre le gouvernement chinois, par respect pour les victimes du séisme.


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Pub Air France

24 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Campagne - Publicité


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Beautiful man (12)

23 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Beautiful Man - Models

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Eurovision 2008 : The final

23 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Eurovision

La liste et l'ordre de passage :

01 - Roumanie
02 - Royaume Uni
03 - Albanie
04 - Allemagne
05 - Arménie
06 - Bosnie Herzégovine
07 - Israël
08 - Finlande
09 - Croatie
10 - Pologne
11 - Islande
12 - Turquie
13 - Portugal
14 - Lettonie
15 - Suède
16 - Danemark
17 - Géorgie
18 - Ukraine
19 - France
20 - Azerbaijan
21 - Grèce
22 - Espagne
23 - Serbie
24 - Russie
25 - Norvège

Mon top 10

12 points : Portugal

 10 points : Serbie

8 points : Pologne

7 points : Suède

6 points : Roumanie

5 points : Russie

4 points :  Lettonie

3 points : Norvege

2 points : Georgie

1 point : Islande

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Eurovision visit Greece

23 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Campagne - Publicité

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Eurovision 2008: The final - first dress rehearsals

23 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Eurovision

The first dress rehearsal of the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest has just stated. Esctoday.com will be reporting live coverage from this afternoon's rehearsal.

Marija Serifovic provided the opening for the show with a remix version of Molitva. She is joined on stage by 14 female singers dressed 50/50 in white dress and black suites. A very bisexuals look! Marija also sings her new song Why. After both song she introduces the hosts for Eurovision Song Contest< Zeljko Joksimovic and Jovanna Jankovic.


Nico and Vlad get the show off to a strong show with more of the fantastic harmonisation we have seen all week from the Romanians. This is time Nico is dresses is a very elegant silver dress which is wore subtle than the green outfit she wore in the first dress rehearsal. This is a perfect opener to the 2008 show.


Andy sings his entry will strong vocals and plenty energy, just as we would expect from the former X-Factor contender. This is a very charismatic performance from Andy and his 5 piece band. They look to be very proud to be representing the UK and are having lots of fun on the stage. He connects well with the both the camera and the audience. Good job Andy!


This first rehearsal starts on the wrong foot for No Angels as they manage to get on tune and in sync when well into the song. Not much has changed since their previous rehearsal and not much has improved. All 4 angels are on stage and the show is ladden with far too much, a heavy background, dress changes, wind machines, pyros etc.


The same show for Armenia in this first dress rehearsal for the final but Sirusho's performance is nowhere as good as in the semi, she is often out of tune and maybe too loud at times. But this is just a first rehearsal so things should improve in the ones to follow.


Dressed in the same black outfit, Olta Boka gives another good performance of her song. The youngest singer in the competition has grown in confidence during the two week of rehearsals and this is one of the strongest we have seen from her. Olta always sing with emotion and this is also the case today. She has a positive reaction from the audience.


Once again Laka is joined on stage by his sister for this eccentric stage performance for Pokusaj.  Throughout the performance we see plenty of energetic movement from Laka, who is often see running around the stage.  Certainly an entertaining and bizarre rehearsal from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the staging works and the song has become a firm favourite with Eurovision fans during the last.


Another emotive performance from Boaz Mauda.  There are no changes from the routine we saw last Tuesday in the first semi final.  Again, he sings the first verse on his own and is latter joined by five male backing singers who harmonise very well with Boaz's vocals.  Perfect connection with audience and camera by Boaz.


This will be short and sweet but Terasbetoni just gave another professional and flawless performance of their entry.


Many were surprised to see Croatia qualify in the final but Kraljevi Ulice and 75 cents go ahead and give one more great performance of Romanca, identical to the one that got them through.


This is another controlled and polished performance from Isis.  She performs her entry with breathtaking vocals and and strong emotion.  It obvious that this song means so much to Isis and she seems to be very proud to be representing Poland in this contest.  She certainly provided the most outstanding female vocals we have seen so for in the afternoon rehearsals.


Regina and Friedrik were cheerful and energetic during the final but now they seem happy. At times the song sounds slightly weaker at times but that should be fixed in the rehearsals to follow.


Mor ve otesi follow with one more flawless performance of Deli.


Once again Vania belts out an strong and convincing performance of her entry. Again she receives the biggest reception from the audience. Unlike meny other entries the use of the wind machine compliments the song and enchances its final verse. No changes in outfit or choreography and non is needed.


The Latvia Pirates take the stage and it is pure energy. The same performance we watched last night, happy and rhythmic, if out of tune at (many) times. Funny thing is that does not really matter given the nature of the song.


Let's see if number 15 will be lucky again for Charlotte. This certainly wasn't as good as yesterday, she seems to be shouting her way through the performance as opposed to singing. However she did the same thing in 2nd round  of technical rehearsals before the semi final. Nevertheless, camera angles catch the sleek choreography of the Swedes.


One thing we can tell about Simon is that he is thoroughly enjoying this and that shows well on camera. He is the same as last night only a bit more tired.


Diana was vocally perfect this afternoon. She is now delivering consistent performances removing any doubts that she showed when she first performed in Belgrade. Choreography is exactly the same with the effective transition from black to white. She does and amazing job of transforming a bleak routine into a positive one by changing the group's outfits.


There is just no stopping Ani Lorak from delivering an A class performance of Shady lady. The vocals are superb all through the song, the dance routine gets better with practice and she does not seem to be holding back at all.


This is a confusing one to watch on the television. It looks as if the director is deliberately showing the worst possible angles to present the song. Could it be that Sebastien is making a statement there? Previously we have only seen sleek camera angles and presentation of this entry. Sebastien gets huge reaction in the hall. During an amusing moment in the presentation we see the driver of his golf buggy attempt to perform a three point turn


Heaven and Hell hit the stage now, Elnur and Samir's vocals take off although Samir (devil) seems to be overdoing it at points.


Unfortunately Kalomira provides the worst vocal performance of this afternoon. For some reason the voices of her backing vocals have been turned down whilst hers have been increased. Nevertheless vibrant dancing provides great energy for this song.


Rodolfo is holding back it seems. Without his trademark glasses on he performs Chiki chiki with less enthusiasm than usual. Although the song can be hardly called demanding vocally, this leaves room for improvement.

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Vasuti videó mix 1 : Csézy - Szívverés

23 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par Istvan Publié dans #Musique

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